


AA Raphael - talking about health and changes to our bodies

By AA Raphael thru Peter


Dec 26, 2010 - 6:18:46 AM


Dear family,

I had a 2 hour session with AA Raphael this morning. I was quite surprised as it came out of the blue for me, but got explained later, when my wife, who is in the USA with her family right now, told me that she asked Raphael last night to help her with some health related questions she had, and if she'd be not able to receive, if he could please talk to me instead. I guess he could and he did.





我在這裡談談一定的條件,我們可以稱之為"提升的症候群」,哪些正要去充分的速度增加。這些 [綜合症] 相若,稱為"生長痛",在他們的骨頭時約達完整大小的時遇到的一些青少年的痛苦。


移到一個更高的齒輪的提升,與您還將遇到您在一個更高的速度不是被用來的物理結構的必要的更改。不多的你都知道有關一般,提升你的身體準備和疏散剝離的年特別是。一些有描述擴大 fontanelles 等,頭暈、刺激、 痛苦的他們的頭的骨骼和心不合陪同,大多認為是你的心跳的速度。


Those in the knowing, embrace those conditions for what they are - growing pain. Those in the unknown, usually tend to be afraid, if they consult a physician to confirm those conditions, and who will most likely receive an explanation, based on the old paradigm knowledge about health. Now, this picture does not offer the greatest outlook for those concerned, as, for example, a more rapid heart-beat is an indicator for either an increased risk of a heart-attack, or for an increased risk of other fatal sicknesses.


Nothing could be further from the truth. Most of you need certain corrections in your etheric constellations as well as your physical bodies, to be able to be lifted, if that case becomes necessary.


Changes in your physical DNA are not a necessity for the successful use of the elevator-beams, but as we work on you and your bodies at nights or during meditation and rest times, and as we handle everything in a holistic way, we use our presence at the time, for fixing minor scratches on your physical surface as well.






Here is a list of recommendations:


First: restrain from eating meat and products involving meat. There is a deeper reason than the obvious animal cruelty to that, which has to do with the Chi.


When there is a violent death, the Chi sustaining the living body, transforms immediately into fatal toxins, separating your life-force from the physical image of your soul

[if ingested]. This has an immediate impact, visible as shadows overtaking your aura.


Second: Alcohol. We recommend to avoid alcohol altogether, and that includes products with added sugar, which can produce alcohol as it might be stored in your bodies and start to ferment. Alcohol, as they call it a "spirit", has the ability due to it's etheric atoms and molecules to enter the blood-brain-barrier without being detected by your body's own preventing mechanisms. Following this, will replace real spirit with the essence of alcohol, to the effect of gradual losing one's sanity.


Third: Further notice has to be given to people using prescription drugs. We are reaching a time, were all of you, using prescription drugs should consider getting off those on a day to day base. We cannot go into all the remedies and side effects of your modern time medicine, but we need to advise you, that they have a great potential to counteract divine energy-work, in their pursuit to shut down the very channels and close the pores necessary to be in-circuited. After they placed themselves on key positions inside your physical body, they are sending out chemical messengers to your astral bodies, damaging the accessibility of the divine.








Visualize yourself as being one with the Father. This is by now the only way there is to define this precious future, as not many of you have been gifted to see. And even if you saw, remember, you are a human, you are making mistakes. So visualize yourselves as being one with the Father, as for then, His mercy, love and responsibility will embed you and help you to help yourself, to be able to help the Father helping His children.


My friends, this, your inner poisoning by your own thoughts and emotions, is hurting us the most, as we have no means to interfere positively on this level. This is likely also the hardest of the habits to change, since it is so subtle, non-physical and morally justified over centuries. Make this an equal step, which needs to be followed up.


Now, when you get up in the morning, rinse your mouth with warm water as your first act. Do not swallow it, just gurgle and spit it out, rinse your mouth and you are good to go. Over night, most of you get worked on heavy detoxing on all levels. All those loosened toxins travel from the outer bodies into your physical body over the course of those sleeping hours, and collect themselves in your saliva.


Most people drink something when they get up, and with that, they are taking those concentrated toxins right back in. This is heavy and dark concentrated Chi, which is not supposed to be in your body anymore, and if you rinse your mouth as described above, you will easily get rid of a good amount each night.





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